Julian's Garden (6)

This photo was taken about a week ago. The tomatoes were of a darker orange hue today and were the first tomatoes harvested from Julian's hard work these last few months. These sun golds were super sweet! Last I counted, there were 61 sun gold tomatoes on the plant; 3 harvested, hopefully 58 more to go! The rest of them are still growing and still green. The bay area has turned significantly cooler on September 30th, so not a lot of fruits has popped up on the heirlooms yet. One of them (the one seen in the last post) has 3 tomatoes growing on the vine; another, which has a flatter-looking fruit, has 4. For a change, we are hoping for warmer weather to give these tomatoes a chance!

The basil started flowering, which ruins the taste on the leaves, so Julian decided to chop them all off and started new seedlings. The cilantro seeds that he planted in a planter in the front has yielded three little sprouts and the first leaves are coming out. Let's hope the squirrels don't locate this planter!


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