P90X (2)

There are three things that I especially like about P90X.

(1) Diversity: P90X comes with 12 exercise DVDs and three 3-phased programs (Lean, Classic, Double) over 90 days. For each of the 3-phased programs, a different exercise is performed each day of the week, and the 7-day program changes slightly between each of the three phases. It includes some weight lifting, some yoga, some cardio, and some core exercises. The variety keeps things interesting and allows exposure to different types of exercises.

(2) Countdown: Each exercise within each exercise DVD comes with a countdown. There's also a separate countdown for the whole routine on the DVD always visible on-screen. At any given point in time, I know exactly either how many reps or how many seconds I have left of the current exercise, and how many minutes I have left of the whole routine that day. This makes those tough moves ever more bearable. Whenever I am about to give up, I just have to look at the coundown and tell myself, "x (e.g. 5) more seconds!" The sense of accomplishment upon completion alone is a reward.

(3) Recovery drink: Unlike the usual energy drink that tastes pretty artificial, the P90X recovery drink tastes good. We have the Smooth Orange flavor, and it tastes a little like Orange Julius. More importantly, this drink helps repair muscle tear that takes place during workout, and makes our muscles less sore. We still get a little sore the next morning after workouts, but it's usually a nice distributed slight soreness; with stretches, everything feels all good again. Thanks to the recovery drink, we have not experienced great pain from the exercises (and I'm someone who used to get sore from just cleaning the floor!).

Another factor that makes this exercise program easier for me to stick to: a good hubby who is my workout buddy. Although we are on different programs (I'm on Lean and he's on Classic), we usually do our workouts at the same time in different places in the house. Having a workout buddy has been a good source of motivation for me. We're able to compare some notes, provide tips for each other, and improve together.


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