Half nipple rule

Learned something new on Fringe tonight. Mammals generally give birth to offsprings no more than what's equivalent to 1/2 the # of nipples, with a maximum of what's equivalent to the # of nipples. Humans, for example, have 2, and generally give birth to 1 offspring at a time, with twins as the maximum in general cases. Pretty interesting random fact, eh?

P.S. Found a 1999 article from New York Times about the half nipple rule and why scientists think the naked mole rat defies the rule.

(Photo by lemaimone)


Unknown said…
lol... googled it after watching that epi again. they weren't kidding -- it's a true rule. (googled: "one-half rule")
Mikoto said…
Three theories just for kicks -
1) Calves drink a lot and are horrible at sharing
2) Cows are very conservative animals
3) Cow evolved over time to compensate for being milked by humans

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