Yes we can

No, this is not a post about President Obama, but the message fits.

It's been a long journey.  There were times when things felt overwhelming. There were times when it felt so tiring that the easy route to give up seemed most tempting.  But we must persist, there is always a way if we just persist.  It's about whether we're willing to pay the associated cost.

A lot of times, things that look complicated and difficult aren't so bad once you try your hands at it. This holds true at work and in the kitchen.  Whether it's about figuring out how CSS works, systems administration, or using kitchen appliances.  

We've had a blender and a food processor since we were married years ago.  Until recently, they were pretty much kitchen decorations because my perception of them as messy and a pain to clean.  Now that I use them, I really appreciate the convenience that they bring; and it really isn't so hard to take them apart to's just a twist.  

Next challenge: juicer!


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