100th post

Y'know, I didn't think I would get to this 100th post. It started out as an experiment, which slowly became a little bit of a habit; and now, it's become something I enjoy, to share with others, and to remember for myself.

At first, it was awkward. What was the point of having what I thought of as an "online diary"? What could I share with the world that is safe to share, and, at the same time, interesting for the audience? What should I write about?

There are a few categories of blogs:
  • Subject matter experts sharing knowledge and/or marketing their products (e.g. my almost-daily reads - Scott Kelby's Photography blog, or Tech Crunch)
  • Corporate blogs sharing information about the company, products it offers, and the industry it's in
  • Personal bloggers shares what's happening in their personal lives
The first one feels a little bit too much like work for my taste, and I'm not too hot on sharing a ton of personal details with the world, which may end up on the desks of a potential clients or employers. And thus Mikoto Diaries was born, sharing random thoughts in my everyday life, Arty's world, bits and pieces of my hobbies (e.g. travel, photography, technology, board games, etc.), and knowledge/research that I had to do anyways for whatever I was encoutering at that point in my life (e.g. D40 portrait lenses).

Some interesting stats from Google Analytics on this blog:
  • All-time most popular post from search results: Half nipple rule
  • Browsers used by those visiting Mikoto Diaries:
    • Firefox is used amongst 44.72% visitors
    • IE comes in 2nd at 35.62%
    • Chrome is 3rd at 12.07%
  • This metric intrigues me most: visitors from 69 countries from around the world has seen this blog! While 65% of them are from US, visitors reach every continent but Antarctica.
(Photo by brainjmatis)


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