Julian's Garden (3)

I've been keeping up with take photos of progress in Julian's garden, just haven't had a chance to put up the photos so here they are.

Shortly after I put up the last post, Julian's garden was attacked again! It kept eating the cilantro and took bigger bites out of the basil also! At this point, the lone cilantro that survived had grown out a tiny bit. Julian also transplanted the tomatoes into 12" diameter planters. These were the first photos taken on my brand new Nikon D90!

One of the three transplanted heirloom tomato plants

Poor basils and cilantro looked a little sad

We were in shock when we came home to find that the tomato plants were attacked! Julian also transplanted his last (4th) suviving heirloom tomato plant. From seeds, we've seen a 50% survival rate so far (8 seeds yielded 4 plants).

Basil grew back nicely and were getting tall

Julian planted new cilantro seeds and you can see the sprouts coming out in the background. This lone cilantro from the first batch sure is a survivor! Attack after attack, and it's the last cilantro standing!

Basil plants grew more dense; we started harvesting them and using the basil leaves in heirloom tomato salads. Tomato plants recovered from the attack, and that lone cilantro is still surviving!

Flowers were starting to bloom on 2 of the tomato plants!

Tomato plants were attacked a 2nd time a few days ago. This time, the smallest one that was transplanted last was stripped down to its bare stems, but it is coming back. Yellow flowers are now visible on one of the tomato plants. Today, we also picked up a few 'stands' from Smith & Hawken's going out of business sale (6 stands for less than $8, pretty good deal!) for the tomato plants and the plants are now having an easier time staying upright with these stands in place.

Basils are growing nicely but cilantro is eaten again. *sigh* Maybe we need to move the cilantro to another location...

On a separate note, I figured out the menu item change on the D90 (a1 -> single point) to manually select the different focus points on the camera and had an easier time selecting what I want to be in focus on photos. I previously thought that I would be able to make this adjustment using the WB button and primary command dial change to AF-S. Anyways, I'm delighted to have found this menu item as it gives me much better control over where I want the camera focused (without having to reframe the picture all the time)!

See the stands? We like them! Very handy...

Poor plant was attacked We knew this happened during the day, though we still couldn't figure out the culprit.

Little yellow flowers are opening on one of the tomato plants


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